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Be The Change: Life on Land

Be The Change: Life on Land

WHEN: 20 Jan – 24 Jan 2020

WHERE: Sangam World Centre, India

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call of action to achieve 17 key Goals by the year 2030. This event will allow you to learn and share with others from around the world as you focus on Sustainable Development Goal Number 15: Life on Land.

You will have the opportunity to experience first-hand the work that Sangam’s Community Partners are doing to work towards this Goal and explore Leadership and Advocacy in WAGGGS so that you can BE THE CHANGE in your Community! Take part in this exciting event with others from around the world and experience international friendship in one of the WAGGGS World Centres. Learn about the traditions of an ancient yet changing India. Gain confidence as you discover the colourful city of Pune, through visits to its diverse sites.

This is a Sangam Leadership event.

Ages: All Age

Cost: £420 GBP


25th UN Climate Change Conference – COP25

25th UN Climate Change Conference – COP25

WHEN: 02.December – 13.December 2019
WHERE: Santiago, Chile


The whole world is living a process of transformation towards a truly sustainable development. Raising the levels of ambition with a balance between mitigation and adaptation is essential. For this purpose, we need the participation of both the States and local governments, and the private sector.

The COP must encourage concrete climate action, ensuring an inclusive process for all parties and the formal integration of the scientific world and the private sector.

Our challenge is to achieve a transition towards increased action and that is perceived by the general public. Climate change is a reality now, not in 50 years’ time.


Link to COP25 website…



Environment Minister, Carolina Schmidt, is a Commercial Engineer graduated at Chile’s Pontificia Universidad Católica. During President Sebastián Piñera’s first period (2010 – 2014), she served as Minister of the National Women’s Service and Minister of Education.

In August 2018, she became Minister of Environment with a clear purpose: the only way to achieve sustainable development is with care and respect for the environment.

She has a cross-cutting message: climate action and economic development do not move along separate tracks; on the contrary, it implies that the way to achieve a real sustainable development is the protection of the environment; in order to achieve this, adaptation and mitigation to climate change are essential.

“Because the Ocean”: Report discusses climate action measures focussed on oceans

Last September 25th, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its latest special report, which emphasized the need to act urgently to prioritize opportune, ambitious and coordinated initiatives to bring about lasting changes in oceans and the cryosphere.

Almost three quarters of our planet is covered by oceans, and around 10% of continental landmass is covered by glaciers and ice caps. Today the Because the Ocean initiative published a new report called Ocean for Climate, focused exclusively on the ocean-related elements of the IPCC report.

The great importance of the relation between oceans and the climate led governments to sign the first Because the Ocean declaration in 2015, during COP21. Since then, the Because the Ocean initiative has continued to highlight the oceans-climate connection, encouraging ocean protection as a means of mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Ocean for Climate focuses on the implications of activities undertaken at sea: those that can contribute to mitigation efforts in a safe and sustainable way, and those that can commit to increasing ocean resilience.

The ideas forwarded in this publication are born from a series of workshops organized by Because the Ocean since 2016, focused on what should and should not be done in ocean-related climate action.

The five central discussion points proposed by the report are: encouraging natural carbon sequestration by coastal ecosystems; developing a range of sustainable ocean-based renewable energy solutions; promoting adaptation and resilience solutions for vulnerable populations, ecosystems and ecosystem services threatened by climate change; implementing hybrid solutions supporting both adaptation and mitigation in the fisheries and aquaculture sector; and solutions in the shipping sector.

Download the full Ocean for Climate report by “Because the Ocean”

See all details about this event here…

Social Innovation Summit 2019

Social Innovation Summit 2019

WHEN:  20th – 21st of September 2019

WHERE: Wizemann Areal, Stuttgart, Germany


The Social Innovation Summit #SIS19 is a two day international event on the 20th – 21st of September 2019 that addresses relevant topics in the context of social innovation and entrepreneurship.


This is not a usual conference about startups, corporates or the newest trends in tech. It is about using technologies, concepts, institutions and scalable solutions to create a better world. For 2 days more than 450 individuals/organizations with various backgrounds representing a variety of sectors and industries come together to think, discuss, collaborate and act on driving impactful innovation.

Meet, exchange and make meaningful connections with over 450 individuals and organizations – ranging from social entrepreneurs, activist, major foundations & corporations, consultancies, academia, NGOs, investors and many more – all passionate about driving social change.

Make use of our match-making framework to expand your network, learn from different perspectives and build on the idea of collective impact. Ask my anything / meet the speaker spots, digital matching pre & during the #SIS19 (conference application), on-site topic related discussion tables and many more.

Find all informations about this important event here…


Photo Source : SIS2019 , all rights reserved

Art Project “In Your Face” against microplastic in cosmetics and cleaning products

Art Project “In Your Face” against microplastic in cosmetics and cleaning products

Photo Source: Ranga Yogeshwar: Physiker, #Scientists4Future – Luisa Neubauer: Akivistin #FridaysForFuture – Dieter Hallervorden: Schauspieler © Saskia Uppenkamp





Art meets science, meets politics! 

We must strongly oppose the pollution of our oceans with all available means. Now!



Ocean.Now! is a young NGO, who aims to raise awareness of the damage being done and condition of our seas through public relations and dialogue between science, art and politics.

By using art, we want to viscerally highlight current environmental problems in the oceans and, thereby, stimulate dialogue between politicians and citizens and, in particular, make decisions makers in politics and society think twice. The destruction of the source of all life on earth, the oceans, demands that we fight vigorously NOW.

For this reason, we cooperated with the artist Swaantje Güntzel for our first project (autumn/ winter 2018). Together we used her piece “Microplastics II”, which illustrates the destructive character of microplastics, and projected it onto politically significant locations within Berlin to attract attention to our petition under the motto #banmicroplastics.

Currently, we are collecting donations for our second project being held on the “World Day of the Oceans”, where we are exhibiting a special art installation associated with our petition against microplastics in cosmetics and cleaning products. Until now, our petition has over 30,000 supporters and we hope to further increase awareness of microplastics and our petition by an additional media-effective art installation, which will be presented offline around Berlin and online, on social media.

Moreover and as part of the handing over of our petition, we are planning a gathering of politicians, scientists and art to create awareness through education; because there is no time to leave next generations to set the course for tomorrow!


photo: all rights by





Sign the petition and help to legally abolish all microplastics in cosmetics and cleaning products!


“We have to convince the people in the world that they should tell the politicians that they’re concerned.”
– Sir David Attenborough


Ocean. Now! is a collective accelerating ocean protection. We work with the medium of art to end the destruction of the Ocean. Now!


  • 50% of all oxygen on earth is generated by the ocean
  • The ocean absorbs 90% of our global warming
  • 33% of the global population survives due to ocean proteins


Sign our open letter to the ministry of the environment!

Here’s an excerpt:

“Sehr geehrte Umweltministerin Svenja Schulze,

wir fordern Sie auf: Verbieten Sie den Zusatz von Kunststoffen in Kosmetik und Reinigungsmitteln – und zwar generell. Das heißt nicht nur die gemeinhin bekannten Mikroplastikkügelchen, sondern auch flüssige, gel-, pasten- und wachsartige Kunststoffe müssen verboten werden.”


Click here to sign petition…


Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2019

Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2019

WHEN  Monday, May 13, 2019 – 2pm



Symposium Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™ 2019 with the conferences of the 5 laureates


The Global Award, created by the architect and scholar Jana Revedin in 2006, every year rewards five architects who contribute to a more equitable and sustainable development and build an innovative and participatory approach to meet the needs of societies, whether they are experts in eco-construction or self-development actors for whom sustainability is synonymous with social and urban equity. The originality of the prize is to federate them in a unifying scene, enriching the global debate. Attentive to emerging scenes, interdisciplinarity and experimental learning, the Global Award is recognized as a discoverer of 21st century architects : Wang Shu, Alejandro Aravena, Carin Smuts, Francis Kéré, Al Borde, Assemble, Rotor, Bijoy Jain or Marta Maccaglia.

At the Centenary of Walter Gropius’ Bauhaus, the Global Award 2019 honors the multidisciplinary and social-reformatory aim of the Bauhaus: “Architecture is science, art and crafts at the service of society.”

Each year the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture ™ recognizes five architects who share both the principles of sustainable development and a participatory architectural approach to the needs of society, in both the northern and the southern hemispheres.

The Global Award was created in 2006 by the architect and scholar Jana Revedin, in partnership with the Cité de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine and the member institutions of its international scientific committee. In 2010 it was put under patronage of UNESCO.

The work carried out during the past ten years has assured the undisputed international recognition of the Global Award, proving its scientific independence and uniting the award winners in an avant-garde community of collective research and experimentation of architectural and urban self-development projects.

The Cité de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine guarantees the cultural promotion of the prize by publicizing the work of the architects and their contribution to the global debate. Given the cultural and political importance of this movement, since 2017 the Cité produces the Global Awards, counting on its founder prof. Jana Revedin as the president of its scientific jury.


The Global Award scientific jury is composed by :

  • Jana Revedin, Founding President Global Award, Paris
  • Benno Albrecht, IUAV, Venise
  • Marie-Hélène Contal, Cité de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine, Paris
  • Spela Hudnik, International Architecture Biennale, Ljubljana
  • Deniz İncedayı, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul




The Founding Principles

Sustainable design is the catalyst for a new participative approach in architectural und urban planning processes. The very fundamentals of a project: durability, flexibility, economic, technical and ecological adequacy, cultural and social acceptance are being readdressed respecting society’s new concerns, fighting inequality, cultural disrespect and unreflected functionalism.

The Global Award Community, which consists of the 60 contemporary architects and teams from around the globe who have received the award, works towards a sustainable architectural ethic and fosters research, experimentation and transmission in the fields of sustainable architecture, urban renewal and academic social responsibility. It defines architecture as an agent of empowerment, self-development and civic rights.




Lauréats 2019 :







The Global Award scientific jury honors for their groundbreaking approaches:

– Prof. Dr. Werner Sobek for his innovation and transmission excellency, directing the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design ILEK Stuttgart (Germany) in succession of Frei Otto and Jörg Schlaich.

– Prof. Ersen Gürsel for his lifelong context- and society-concerned Design-pedagogy at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul (Turkey), the school that since 1933 offered a home to major exponents of the Bauhaus movement – Bruno Taut, Martin Wagner and Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, on the run from Nazi-persecution.

– Rozana Montiel (Mexico), Ammar Khammash (Jordan) and Jorge Lobos (Chile) for their dedication to interdisciplinary scientific researches as well as artisanal and artistic approaches to architecture and the public, making them understandable, desirable and affordable for all.

The Symposium 2019 will be followed by a presentation of the books:
Sustainable Design VII – Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2018, Marie-Hélène Contal, Jana Revedin; Ed. Alternatives-Gallimard, 2019
Building with the immaterial, under the direction of Jana Revedin, Ed. Alternatives-Gallimard, Manifesto collection

Climate Change Leadership – Porto Summit 2019

Climate Change Leadership – Porto Summit 2019

WHEN:  7th March 2019, 13:00 – 19:00 hrs

WHERE:  Porto, Alfândega Conference Centre

About The Summit


On the last day, following the wine industry debate, the conference will culminate with the second edition of the Climate Change Leadership Porto summit attended by world-class climate change experts and activists. Nobel Laureate and former US Vice-President Al Gore will be the Keynote Speaker. Other speakers include UN Champion of the Earth for the world’s largest beach clean-up project, Afroz Shah; Director-General of WWF International Marco Lambertini; Kaj Török, Chief Sustainability Officer at MAX Burgers, the World’s First Climate-Positive Burgers.


The event follows the Climate Change Leadership Summit 2018 held in Porto last July at which the keynote address was given by President Barack Obama. The key outcome of this summit was the launch of the Porto Procotol, which commits its participants to adopt and promote concrete actions, however small, to help reduce the impact of a changing climate. While this important global initiative recognises that the wine industry is uniquely well placed to take a leadership role in climate change mitigation, the Protocol welcomes the participation of institutions, companies and individuals from all areas of activity.


The Climate Change Leadership Porto Summit will create a unique convergence of expertise, wisdom and inspiration, bringing together some of the world’s leading scientists and authorities on climate change and the environment.

photo source:

Al Gore

Nobel Prize Laureate and former Vice-President of the USA. Al Gore is the cofounder and chairman of Generation Investment Management, and the founder and chairman of The Climate Reality Project, a nonprofit devoted to solving the climate crisis.


He is the author of the #1 New York Times best-sellers An Inconvenient Truth and The Assault on Reason, and the best-sellers Earth in the Balance, Our Choice: A Plan To Solve the Climate Crisis, The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change, and most recently, The New York Times best-seller An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.

He is the subject of the documentary movie “An Inconvenient Truth,” which won two Oscars in 2006 — and a second documentary in 2017, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.”

In 2007, Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, for “informing the world of the dangers posed by climate change.”