Art Project “In Your Face” against microplastic in cosmetics and cleaning products
Photo Source: Ranga Yogeshwar: Physiker, #Scientists4Future – Luisa Neubauer: Akivistin #FridaysForFuture – Dieter Hallervorden: Schauspieler © Saskia Uppenkamp
We must strongly oppose the pollution of our oceans with all available means. Now!
Ocean.Now! is a young NGO, who aims to raise awareness of the damage being done and condition of our seas through public relations and dialogue between science, art and politics.
By using art, we want to viscerally highlight current environmental problems in the oceans and, thereby, stimulate dialogue between politicians and citizens and, in particular, make decisions makers in politics and society think twice. The destruction of the source of all life on earth, the oceans, demands that we fight vigorously NOW.
For this reason, we cooperated with the artist Swaantje Güntzel for our first project (autumn/ winter 2018). Together we used her piece “Microplastics II”, which illustrates the destructive character of microplastics, and projected it onto politically significant locations within Berlin to attract attention to our petition under the motto #banmicroplastics.
Currently, we are collecting donations for our second project being held on the “World Day of the Oceans”, where we are exhibiting a special art installation associated with our petition against microplastics in cosmetics and cleaning products. Until now, our petition has over 30,000 supporters and we hope to further increase awareness of microplastics and our petition by an additional media-effective art installation, which will be presented offline around Berlin and online, on social media.
Moreover and as part of the handing over of our petition, we are planning a gathering of politicians, scientists and art to create awareness through education; because there is no time to leave next generations to set the course for tomorrow!
photo: all rights by https://zerowasteverein.de/
Sign the petition and help to legally abolish all microplastics in cosmetics and cleaning products!
“We have to convince the people in the world that they should tell the politicians that they’re concerned.”
Ocean. Now! is a collective accelerating ocean protection. We work with the medium of art to end the destruction of the Ocean. Now!
- 50% of all oxygen on earth is generated by the ocean
- The ocean absorbs 90% of our global warming
- 33% of the global population survives due to ocean proteins
Sign our open letter to the ministry of the environment!
Here’s an excerpt:
“Sehr geehrte Umweltministerin Svenja Schulze,
wir fordern Sie auf: Verbieten Sie den Zusatz von Kunststoffen in Kosmetik und Reinigungsmitteln – und zwar generell. Das heißt nicht nur die gemeinhin bekannten Mikroplastikkügelchen, sondern auch flüssige, gel-, pasten- und wachsartige Kunststoffe müssen verboten werden.”