Women Wage Peace – a movement
Women Wage Peace was founded in the summer of 2014 in the aftermath of
Operation Protective Edge.
WWP is the largest grassroots movement in Israel whose purpose is to promote
a political agreement to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Today the
movement has more than 40,000 members.
The movement has 2 main goals:
To promote a political agreement as a strategic solution to the Israeli – Palestinian conflict
The aim of the movement is to bring about the resolution of the Israeli Palestinian
conflict by means of an honorable, non-violent and mutually acceptable agreement. We know that conflicts end with an agreement and we know that this is possible with the Israeli- Palestinian conflict as well.
To include women in all aspects of decision making as mandated by UN
Resolution 1325 – This resolution recognizes the fact that women are a key to promoting
sustainable peace processes and ending violent conflict; therefore it is obligatory
to include women in all aspects of decision making especially regarding issues of
peace and security
The movement is not affiliated with any political party and its members include
women from diverse communities within Israeli society: right, center and left;
religious and secular; Jews, Arabs, Druze and Bedouin; young women and older
women; women from the center of the country and from the periphery. The
movement does not support any one particular solution to the conflict.
The movement is composed of thousands of volunteers, organized within a
framework of both regional teams, as well as professional, national teams,
dealing with Strategy, Strategic Partnerships, Strategic Communication, Digital,
Government Engagement, Reaching out to Palestinian and International Women,
Projects, Diversity, Budget, Training, National Coordinators, and Logistics.